#041: Lumped Magnetics Circuit
Lumped parameter circuits are used a lot to establish simplified models that represent more complex acoustical, mechanical, or electrical...

#040: Balanced Armature Receiver - Lumped Parameter Modelling (Preprint, part 1)
With a lot of on-going projects (see below list) aside from client projects, I need to empty off my brain via some preprint-ish blog...

#039: Allpass Systems: Phase and Time Delay
This post will show how a time delay can be approximated by a continouos-time (analog) transfer function. While the end result is...

#038: COMSOL Extrusion and Projection Operators
COMSOL Multiphysics offers some unique operators that can couple different parts of different dimensions, such as the Extrusion and...

Technical Interview Questions
As I am contemplating hiring someone the coming year, a lot of thought has gone into what to expect from such a person. There are certain...