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My name is René Christensen. I have had an interest in mathematics and physics most of my life, and HiFi and loudspeakers was something I spent a lot of time reading about as a teenager. Since then I have gotten degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics, culminating in a PhD in 2010 in Hearing Aid Acoustics (Applied Mathematical Modelling) with the focus being on the modelling of so-called thermoviscous losses in micro-acoustic applications.


I hope that I with have created a platform that can convey the newest (and some golden oldies) scientific developments, and one of my missions is to help fascilitate the interface between universities and the industry, so that more of the brilliant work done in acoustics, mechanics, topology optimization and so on can diffuse more freely between these two worlds.


Aside from from my consultancy business, I often give guest lectures, presentations, censor examinations at universities, and publish work on vibroacoustics, and shape and topology optimization.


Feel free to contact me with suggestion for blog posts, presentations in your organization or just to connect.

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