#037: Misconceptions in Acoustics
Having worked with many students and acoustical engineers over the years, I see some topics being perpetually misunderstood. Below, I...

#036: Axial Symmetrical Decomposition... in COMSOL Multiphysics
I have previously written about Phase Decomposition, and I still think that this is a highly underutilized technique, as it gives you a...

#035: Weak is the new Strong?
As simulation software gets more and more advanced and includes new functionality with each update, the users can often get by with never...

#034: COMSOL Conference 2020 Presentation
For this year's COMSOL Conference I presented how Shape and Topology Optimization can be used in a product design process. I use...

#033: Evanescent Acoustic Waves in Tubes
The topic of evanescent fields/waves in any physics can be quite difficult to grasp. It is sometimes explained incorrectly, and looking...